The Rule of Hillary Clinton

Dallas and D.C.
It is not coincidence that officers of the law are gunned down in cold blood on American streets the same week that Hillary Clinton, having lied, deceived and broken the law, is essentially exonerated by the FBI, our nation's prime federal law enforcement agency.
Police officers are a symbol of the law. Their duty is to “protect and serve”. Like Lady Justice wearing a blindfold and holding a set of scales, our police are charged with enforcing the law in a fair, equal and impartial manner. Police fulfill their duty. And in the rare instances where a rogue officer does not, our system insures that merited punishment is carried out.
After laying out Clinton’s “extreme carelessness” and multitudinous lies, FBI Director James Comey did not recommend charges against the former Secretary of State. While it did not surprise anyone, there is a large number of Americans who were disgusted and disillusioned. One of their worst fears, that maybe the system truly is rigged, now seems to be confirmed.  
While police officers, the symbol of the rule of law in America, were gunned down in Dallas, rule of law itself was desecrated and trampled in Washington D.C. as Hillary Clinton walked free.  
We are seeing America’s transformation from a nation of laws, to a nation of men.
The Rule of Law - America As Founded
“The Rule of Law: the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials.”

America is different from nearly every other nation in history. Rule of law is one of the key ingredients that made her different. Nations had done it before, but never before like America.
Without the rule of law, we are left with the rule of men. Men who are fickle, selfish and power-hungry. Men who are out for their own interest and gain with no thought whatsoever for the good of the nation as a whole.
Without the rule of law, we are left with monarchies, oligarchies, dictatorships, or merely anarchy. These systems of government bring tyranny and destruction.
America broke loose from a monarchy, where the king was the law. America avoided anarchy by uniting after separation of Britain. America fought wars against dictatorships in Germany and Italy, where one man or a handful of men were the only law.

America said from the start we would not be governed by flawed, failing humans who are universally selfish and power-hungry. But rather we would establish laws through a representative, democratic process. We would base these laws on the laws of nature and nature’s God.
We would encode the most important of these laws in something called the Constitution. This document requires that all who would serve in the government take an oath to uphold the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. Back then, oaths meant something. Breaking a sacred oath was no light matter that could be passed over with an “oops” and a cackle.
The Rule of Man - American Today
Sadly, today we find ourselves in a vastly different place than when our Constitution was signed. Today we find ourselves considering whether to hand the job of chief executive to an “extremely careless” liar* whose disregard for the law is blatant and shocking.
Today we find ourselves watching in horror as police officers, the symbol of the rule of law in America, are gunned down in the streets of Dallas. This is no coincidence. This is merely a painfully clear demonstration of where America is at today.  
"Where the law is subject to some other authority and has none of its own, the collapse of the state, in my view, is not far off…” ~Plato

Ladies and gentlemen, American and freedom, once synonymous, are not dead.
But they are dying.
They are dying, starved of truth and principles. Destitute of those who understand and apply the rule of law instead of the rule of personal profit.
A Spark of Hope
Despite the dismal picture presented to us this week, there remains a spark of hope ~
John Jay
“...[B]ut if law is the master of the government and the government is its slave, then the situation is full of promise and men enjoy all the blessings that the gods shower on a state.” ~Plato
The greatest check on those governing is the governed. That’s you and me. However, we cannot call for obedience to a law we ourselves do not even know. In order for the rule of law to remain part of America, we must take the advice of John Jay, first Chief Justice of the U.S.:
“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country. . . . By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.”
The rule of law is part of what has allowed the freedom and success of America. It is the duty of every American to fight to see it preserved and protected. Denying the presidency to “extremely careless” Clinton would seem to be a good first step.

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* I do not use the term “liar” lightly. It is a serious accusation that should only ever be made when concrete proof is available. Sadly, we have a lot of concrete proof. Hillary Clinton is a liar.


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