America: "The Worst Nation That Has Ever Been Great"

             The Democratic National Convention has finally come to a screeching halt. I say “screeching” because Hillary Clinton’s oratorical abilities are, at times, questionable at best. And although watching Bernie Sanders appear to suck a lemon whilst moving to officially nominate Hillary Clinton was quite enjoyable, most of the rest of the DNC tended to be quite trying.
            It’s not the people, it’s not even the lies (although that does get very tiresome). It’s the inconsistency. It’s the saying one thing for years and years, then turning around and saying the exact opposite in the next sentence while pretending you’ve been saying that all along.
            I think the word I’m searching for is ‘hypocrisy”. That gets very old. Very, very old.
            The Democrats have never sounded more full throatedly patriotic than they have this past week (commentators are using the word “Reaganesque” to describe Obama’s DNC speech!) Now why might that be? After all, the nasty, rotten, evil, fat-cat sort of things America has done in the past (according to many in the Democrat party), how is it that we have suddenly become the greatest nation on earth?
In response to Trump’s “Make America Great Again”, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others, like 2nd graders on the playground, have shot back with “America never stopped being great!” That’s one witty comeback. Bet it took a lot of thought to come up with that one.
Most of us will recall how it was not until Michelle Obama’s husband was looking like he had a shot at the White House that she could muster up a thimble full of pride in her country. Less well known, but equally shocking, is Hillary Clinton saying “God bless the America we are trying to create.” Because apparently the current America wasn’t deserving of blessings from God.
You might also recall Eric Holder, the first black Attorney General, saying that America is a “nation of cowards” because it won’t have a real conversation about race relations. However, this last week during the DNC he had a message for Donald Trump - America “is already a great nation.” Because, you know, cowards always go a long way in making things great...and stuff...
            The refrain we get from the liberals is that America is too capitalistic, trampling on the poor. America is too American, hateful to immigrants. America is anti-science, denying “climate change” and the fact that a baby in the womb is not, in fact, a baby. America loves guns too much, those nasty things that kill people at will. And speaking of killing, how about those racist cops that hunt down young, black men? That’s America’s fault too.
            So why, oh why, could it be that the Democrat party is suddenly wrapped up tight in the stars and stripes, belting out the national anthem while eating hot dogs and apple pie? The answer is simple as it is obvious - Donald Trump.
             Love him or hate him, Donald Trump’s message of patriotism and love for country is selling. And Democrats are nothing if not salespeople.
            Hillary Clinton once said, “...deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
            So if America never stopped being great, Madam Secretary, then why this need for change?

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