Winning a General Election: The Weakest Link

The GOP race for the nomination is now a two man race, but with three contestants.
Marco Rubio dropped out. John Kasich finally actually won something. Donald Trump has a clear lead. Ted Cruz holds on.
But let’s talk about the general election, because no matter who wins the primary, the fight is not done. Defeating the harmful liberal policies of the Benghazi failure Hillary Clinton (or, Heaven forbid, the Soviet honeymooning Socialist Bernie Sanders) is the ultimate goal.
Which candidate is best suited to accomplish that goal?
And which candidate has the worst possible chance?
Polls also indicate that Trump would be mercilessly stomped in a general election versus either Clinton or Sanders. That’s fact, folks.

Trump loves the polls and, according to him, the polls return that affection. But we see from the majority of polls that Trump loses the general to Clinton, and also loses to a self-avowed Socialist who honeymooned in the USSR.
Ouch. So much for being a winner who wins.
However, we realize that polls are often used to shape, as much as report public opinion, so let us look at another aspect of Mr. Trump that will be an achilles heel come November - donations.
Now, I don’t know about you, but Trump has a lot more money than I ever hope to see. However, I’m sure like you, I try to be generous and give to things that I believe in and support from my heart.
Trump on the other hand has given money to everyone from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (two radically liberal Democrats), to the ever-hated GOP establishment candidates like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, to tea-party candidates (including, strangely enough, Ted Cruz).
“Put your money where your mouth is.”
The defense for this incredible behavior is that Trump is a businessman and therefore gives money to people that will help his business. Those who argue this are blatantly admitting that Trump has absolutely zero principles when it comes to politics.
Ask yourself:
If you cared about the right to life, would you give money to radically pro-abortion politicians (like Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, etc.)  who you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt will promote the murder of unborn children?
If you cared about illegal immigration and the border, would you give money to pro-amnesty politicians like Jeb Bush and John McCain who you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt will promote policies that will weaken America?
If you truly cared about tax relief or health care, would you give money to candidates who you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would vote for something like Obamacare and other ill-advised tax policies?
If you truly cared about the 2nd Amendment and protecting people’s right to bear arms, would you give money to a politician who you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt had horrendous records of denying that freedom?
If most Americans were honest, the answer would be an obvious “no”.
And that’s only four issues. I could go on.
It is true that a principled businessman can give money to politicians that will promote constitutional policies that will create a good environment for business. However, Democrats are not those kind of politicians, and frankly neither are many of the Republicans that Trump supported.
The painful fact is, Trump is not supporting these politicians to get good, constitutional, pro-growth economic policies. Trump gives in order to get. In order to benefit himself. But don’t believe me -

Yeah, you know...You know? 
No, actually, Donald, we don’t know. And where I come from, giving money to a politician to have them do “whatever the hell you want” is called bribery.

Trump has given a lot of money to politicians - Republicans and Democrats. However, if he makes it to the debate stage with Clinton, how can he honestly say he does not want her being president when he donated money to her presidential campaign? A question that has not been satisfactorily answered.
So who is the weakest link in a general election? The answer is pretty obvious to an honest observer. Forget how you are feeling, and focus on the facts. What are they telling you?


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