An Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States

Leadership in Crisis

Dear Citizens of the United States: 

As the election for the new Speaker of the House draws near, all eyes on on Paul Ryan as he looks to take the reigns of leadership. Many of the leaders of the Conservative movement have been less than pleased at the recent performance of our GOP majority Congress. And I get it.
There is a sense of frustration throughout our country. Americans as a whole know that something isn’t right even if they can’t put a finger on it. And as this frustration boils and simmers we look to our leaders hoping, praying for something, anything to change. But it never seems to.
The House has been prolific in passing good legislation that Americans want (as demonstrated by the 2010 election), it just hasn’t made it through the Senate and received a presidential signature. However when pressed on this fact, many complain that since they do not have a large enough majority to override a veto, anything that President Obama does not agree with is a lost cause and there is nothing they can do about it.
Well I have good news. We are now engaged in the selection process of our next president. Supposing that the majority in both houses is held, or expanded and a common sense, Constitutionally minded president is selected, I see great things in our future as a country.*
The selection of the Speaker of the House will be an important part of America getting back on the right track. It is time for a bold leader in the House, one who will fight to support the ideals that got them into their seat in Congress in the first place.
However, we would err to think that a good Speaker equals an effective Congress. Each and every person that we as Americans selected to govern us, be it in the House, Senate or White House, is supposed to be a leader.
A leader is one who has a moral compass and a set of principles that they will follow no matter what the cost or opposition. An American elected leader is one who will hold fast in supporting their oath of office to uphold the Constitution. I believe there are many men and women currently in Congress that fit this definition. But there are also many, I’m afraid, who do not.

And that is the real reason Americans are frustrated, leaders who are not fulfilling their role. Leaders that are in it for their own good and not the good of their constituents. It’s time for that to stop. But it never will unless you are involved in the process.
America was designed and destined to be a government of, by and for the people. But if the people neglect their duty, this can never happen. The men and women in Congress are to be your representatives. They are supposed to represent your views, your desires. That is how a Republic is supposed to work.
A citizen is responsible to know the Constitution and the basic principles of government. Those vying to represent you in Congress who line up with your beliefs, you must support with your vote and your voice. Those who do not line up with your beliefs must receive your opposition.

Government can no longer remain a spectator sport where the majority of Americans don’t even bother to spectate. If there is ever to be any change, you, personally must commit to educate and inform yourself, then take action and work to educate and inform others.
Now go do it.

Jonathan Paine

*That is not a partisan statement. I dare every American to read the Constitution and the Declaration, actually read them, and then compare that document, what it actually says, with the platforms of the Democrat Party, and then the Republican Party. There are vast and glaring differences and I think anyone who is honest and sincere in seeking truth and upholding the Constitution will find it an easy choice. Check out my article here for more on this subject.


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