Time Travel Politics

What matters most - past words or present words? Which tells us more about a person - past actions or present actions?
These are questions that we must ask when it comes to selecting any leader who is asking for our vote. These questions, however, become even more vital when we are considering whom to select as the leader of the free world.
But first, I would like to offer some perspective. After the Northeastern primaries this last Tuesday, many in the media are talking about a huge momentum shift. Trump, they say, has this wrapped up with a bow.
Liars lie, but number don’t lie.
Trump got approximately 1.3 million votes throughout Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. The combined populations of those states is approximately 24.4 million. It was an impressive win in a three person race.
However, when we think back to Texas, we find a very comparable population of 27.4 million. We also find that Ted Cruz received  over 1.23 million votes to win the state. Also an impressive win, especially when considering that there were, at the time, five people in the race. Theoretically speaking, Cruz could easily have received over 620,000 more votes if it had been only a three person race. This would have raised his total to 1.85 million votes.
The media loves creating narratives when it should be reporting news. The above statistics are hard, cold numbers. Trump did very well in the Northeast where, generally speaking, Republicans are further to the left of their Texan brethren. But with a comparable population size, Cruz got a comparable number of votes (in a 5-way race) in a state known for its strong Republican principles.
Perhaps that should tell us something.
But back to our original questions. What matters most - past words or present words? Which tells us more about a person - past actions or present actions?
In my discourse with voters during this election cycle, I’ve found many interesting phenomenons. Donald Trump is given a complete pass on all of his past actions and beliefs. This occurs at the same time that Ted Cruz is lambasted for nothing but his “past actions”. While Donald Trump is taken completely at his present words, Ted Cruz’s present words are completely discounted and tossed aside.
Donald Trump’s Past Words
In the very recent past, Donald Trump has self-described as “very pro-choice”, he has supported the bank bailouts and TARP, he has been for a ban on assault weapons, during this campaign (2015) he came out in favor of socialistic, universal healthcare, and he’s in favor of raising taxes on the wealthy.
Donald Trump has also been very vocal in supporting Obama and Hillary Clinton. He has unequivocally stated that he identifies more as a Democrat and believes that the economy does better under Democratic leadership.
No one can deny that these are the past words of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s Past Actions
Mr. Trump has donated a lot of money to politicians, both Republicans and Democrats. Everyone from Hillary Clinton to John McCain has been the benefactor of Mr. Trump. This begs the question, why fund both sides of a debate?
As we’ve discussed previously, Trump is not involved in funding campaigns in order to help America. Trump gets involved in borderline bribery in order to benefit himself.
We’ve also seen previously by Trump’s actions that private property is not a sacred right in his eyes. He has been an avid fan of using the power of government through improper use of eminent domain to benefit himself.
No one can deny that these are the past actions of Donald Trump.
Ted Cruz’s Past Words
A look back to Ted Cruz's 1992 Princeton Undergrad Thesis demonstrates the Cruz not only knew what he believed, he knew why and how to express it. We see through the speeches and positions of Ted Cruz when he ran for the Senate in Texas that this belief had not wavered. Ted Cruz understood the Constitution, limited government and the true meaning of freedom and liberty.
No one can deny that these are the past words of Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz’s Past Actions
Cruz’s involvement in the governing process has given us a long list of votes and positions that leave no room for doubt - Ted Cruz believes what he says. Throughout his entire career, he has voted pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment. Cruz has also defended the Constitution in the Supreme Court on several different occasions.
Ted Cruz’s actions show his support for energy independence and individual liberties. He has actively opposed Obamacare and the harmful policies of the EPA. He stood up against bad immigration and international law policies of George Bush.
No one can deny that these are the past actions of Ted Cruz.
Donald Trump’s Current Words
Mr. Trump says he will protect the 2nd Amendment. Mr. Trump says that he is opposed to funding Planned Parenthood if they continue doing abortions (I find it interesting that the issue of life does not even rate a mention on his campaign website). Mr. Trump says he wants to seal the border and send all the illegal immigrants back so they can the come in legally. He says he wants to lower taxes for the middle class and raise taxes on the wealthy.
This is what Mr. Trump says.
Ted Cruz’s Current Words
Ted Cruz says that he will fight to abolish the IRS, get rid of Obamacare, defend religious liberty and the 2nd Amendment, fight for the unborn life, secure the border and work to limit the power of the federal government.
This is what Mr. Cruz says.
Who Do You Believe?

There’s no way to know what someone will actually do in the future. All we have to go on is their current words and their past actions. It is up to each of us to examine those running for office and critically evaluate them. Do they understand the proper role of government? Do they have a habit of keeping their word?
A strong pattern of past actions soon becomes an ideology. Ideology is what guides and directs present and future actions.
A strong pattern of past actions that is mainly self-interested and self-promoting will result in an ideology of selfish interest. This ideology will direct words and actions in whatever way will best benefit self.
This is Donald Trump. He has a record of  doing and saying what will best benefit him, whether it conflicts with his beliefs or not.
A strong pattern of past actions that has at its heart the good of America and the preservation of its Constitution will results in an ideology of America first. This ideology will direct words and actions in a way that will have the best outcome for America.
This is Ted Cruz. He has a record of fighting for the Constitution and American principles.
So what matters most - past or current words? Past or current actions? We must take them all into account and consider them carefully. The future of America depends on it.



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