Hogg & Company - Welcome to the Real World
The liberal left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) have long been fans of and experts at playing identity politics. This is one reason Obama had some of the successes he had. If you criticized Obama, you were instantly labeled as a racist. If you’re for border security, you hate Mexicans. If you believe in traditional marriage, you’re a homophobe and a hater. And the list goes on. However, recently added to this list: If you disagree with young people spouting ill-advised, illogical liberal talking points regarding unconstitutional gun control , you hate children. *Sigh* Ok, folks. It’s time to realize 3 things: 1. When You’re Wrong, You’re Wrong Your experience does not make your right. Your background does not make you right. Your credentials do not make you right. Your skin color, age, national origin, gender, physical ability, etc., etc. in no way validate your argument. David Hogg and the rest of the “March For Our Lives”/”# NationalWalkoutDa...