
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Epic Fail of Congress

Congress is not one thing. It is 535 members, 100 in the Senate and 435 in the House. Each one of those is an individual. We have to stop treating and viewing it as one entity. Because we view Congress as a unified “thing” people are generally disposed to disapprove of the whole while maintaining a generally favorable view of the individuals. That’s why approval is 20% for Congress , but comparably high for individual dirtbag politicians. Politifact stated that in 2014 “Congress had roughly a 14 percent approval rate, and the incumbent reelection rate... [was around] 95 percent...” According to Rasmussen , “Voters still think members of Congress aren’t above selling their vote, although they’re less likely to believe that their own local representative has.” Sports, Because Relatable Examples Think of it like a football team. Say there’s a player that you absolutely love on the SeaLions (that’s a team right?). Now if the SeaLions lose spectacularly, will you blame your fa...

The False Dilemma

Sometimes in the realm of policy debate, you feel like you’re standing on a sinking ship. One side is arguing that the boat is going under, the other side is arguing that the ship is just fine and will continue to float. While you’re standing in the middle trying to make the point that it’s time to get to the lifeboats. A Sinking Boat Healthcare continues to be the issue of debate . The Democrats are making the argument that the ship that is Obamacare is totally fine, and should remain as is. The Republicans are making the argument that the ship that is Obamacare is sinking (which it obviously is ) and that it’s time to build a better ship. While this argument goes back and forth, there are a handful of Constitutional conservatives attempting to make the point that the only lifeboat to solve this problem is returning to the Constitutional role of government . It’s time to cut through the noise. Dichotomy One of the most effective political maneuvers politicians use is to...

Donald Trump Jr. & Russia - What Does This Mean To You

The ambitious son of a wealthy, powerful businessman turned politician, Russian spies, a secret meeting, dirt on a crumbling political dynasty, collusion, and political corruption. Sounds like a bad airport novel. But this is the reality we are living. Or at least that’s what the mainstream media would like you to believe. But is it true? Time for a reality check. 24 Hours of Nothing Something we’ve mentioned multiple times here is the danger created by a 24 hour news stream . Since there’s not enough news to fill that endless time slot, the media is forced to constantly speculate, vomiting opinions prior to all the facts being available. We would see a beautiful, positive change if individuals began forming opinions based on actual facts, rather than the opinions of others. Opinions based on opinions are ruinous to rational debate. You won’t hear anyone in the mainstream media admit it, but currently we don’t have all the facts regarding the Donald Trump Jr./Russia scan...

The Opposite of Freedom

Progressive liberal leftism means the government owns you. Constitutional conservatism means you own the government. It really is that simple. When someone else owns you, they have authority over you. This is the opposite of freedom. Duh. Liberalism: -You cannot decide how much you pay your employees. -You cannot decide who you hire at your place of business. You cannot decide who you serve at your place of business. -You cannot, neither are you responsible enough, to buy or sell a firearm by yourself without a license. -You cannot live out your sincerely held religious beliefs. -You cannot decide you don’t want health insurance. Or else you’ll be fined. -You cannot have statues of historical figures that participated in major events in the nation’s timeline. -You cannot say things that other people might find offensive. -You cannot be trusted to educate your own children. And here’s the real kicker: -You do not have the right to live ....

Independence Day 2017: Celebrate & Remember

The Fourth of July truly is a time to celebrate. This year marks 241 years since freedom was first encapsulated in a nation. Never before, and never since in modern history, has a nation enjoyed so much freedom for so much time. But while we celebrate, we must also remember: freedom has enemies. Thomas Paine once said that freedom is hunted around the globe by tyrants. Unless actively guarded, freedom will begin to fade. It’s sad to say, but even here in America, we’re beginning to see freedom fade. As the federal government oversteps its Constitutional boundaries, we see encroachments on our personal liberties. Free speech is being stifled and labeled “hate speech”. The basic, fundamental right to life is being denied on a daily basis. Unity, one of freedom’s foundations, is crumbling as individuals allow partisan differences to divide. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is a solution to the problems that America faces. Freedom “…must be fought for, protected, a...