Round 2: Clinton vs. Sanders

The 2016 elections seem like a long way away. But, in my opinion, the more issues that are hashed out now, the easier the choice will be when it comes that time. It’s going to be a crowded race anyway you cut it, so why not pare it down a bit? The sooner there is a united front the better chance we have of getting a good person into the highest office in the land.
I want to take a slightly different tack in this round. We know that government’s purpose is to protect the rights of its citizens and that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Do these two candidates agree with this? Have they used their past positions of political power to protect rights? Will they protect these rights if entrusted with the presidency? Let’s find out. 
Life: Life begins at conception (proof). A candidate that does not believe in protecting all life has no business pretending to protect some. Without life, none of our other rights matter. If a candidate doesn’t get this right, it definitely should call into question their worldview. Besides, while abortions are technically legal, they are far from safe or rare (DFG: I'm Sorry).
-Hillary Clinton: “I think abortion should remain legal, but it needs to be safe and rare.” Mrs. Clinton is rated 100% by NARAL.
-Bernie Sanders: Voted against banning partial birth abortion. 100% rating from NARAL. Strongly supports federally funded abortion.
Liberty: What the Founders meant by the right to liberty, is partially listed in the Bill of Rights. Liberty in religious practice, speech, press, assembly, petition, bearing arms, etc. They made it clear that this was a partial list, but you get the general idea. 
-Hillary Clinton: “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” This statement was made in regards to abortion and essentially ‘catching up’ those ‘old worn out’ ideas of the past with the present. Hard to believe that someone with that opinion would be willing to protect the freedom of religion. Mrs. Clinton also has received a 100% rating from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. 
She said, “"We've got to rein in….that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime.” And in 2000 was a proponent of national gun registry, an opinion she changed when running for president in 2008.
-Bernie Sanders: Senator Sanders quoted in favor of a Constitutional Amendment that would limit the free speech of Americans and redefine the meaning of the 1st Amendment (S.J. Res. 19). Senate Bill 2578 was also supported by Senator Sanders and would have limited the freedom of religion.
The Pursuit of Happiness: This phrase is often misunderstood, but often it was used interchangeably with the word ‘property’. The Founders saw this as the ability to make and get wealth. This was the free market system that allowed America’s economy to skyrocket unlike anything before seen in history. 
This kind of environment only happens when we have government operating within its specific limits (limited government). What does limited government mean? This is the belief that the closer government is to the people the more responsive it is to the people.  Government must not spend more than it has, nor take more than it should spend. Taxes should be broad-based and low rate. Government has no power except that given by the people. Government has no money expect that taken from the people.
You see, government does not create wealth. We must have the freedom to innovate, change, and work. Governmental policy should encourage a good work ethic and self-sufficiency. Competition should never be hindered by government regulations. And finally, government shouldn’t try to protect citizens from themselves.
-Hillary Clinton: Mrs. Clinton knows how to talk the talk. She has said many good things about paying down federal debt and cutting taxes within a balanced budget. However, as they say, actions speak louder than words.
In September, 2008 she voted in favor of the ill-advised $60 billion stimulus bill. Now whether you believe that helped our economy or not, there is no way to Constitutionally justify such a governmental expense. In December, 2005, she voted against reducing federal overall spending by $40 billion. She also co-sponsored bills totaling $502 billion in spending through 2005 while in the Senate. This sort of policy, big spending and not even coming close to a sane, balanced budget, is exactly antithetical to the pursuit of happiness.

Bernie Sanders: Mr. Sanders is a self proclaimed socialist. Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. This should give anyone considering supporting him pause. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is a classic example of how this worldview represents a dangerous and failed policy. Socialism does not work, neither does it promote the right to the pursuit of happiness.
We’ve taken the pains to bring this truth about these candidates to light. Do they truly support the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? That is what government is supposed to do, and when it doesn’t, it is our duty to alter it. How? With leaders that believe in our founding principles.
I’d like to leave you finally with a quote from the Reverend Matthias Burnet, who in 1803 said,

“Finally, ye…whose high prerogative it is to …invest with office and authority or to withhold them and in whose power it is to save or destroy your country, consider well the important trust…which God…has put into your hands. To God and posterity you are accountable for them….Let not your children have reason to curse you for giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which your fathers delivered to you.”

Choose carefully.

Jonathan Paine


  1. Are you really comparing Sanders to the USSR right now? Wow. Pathetic article.

  2. Pathetic article is an understatement! Your so called blog bares everything but "truth"!

  3. Facts are usually a good thing to have when making large generalizations.
    Thanks for the input though!


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