Donald Trump and the Tightrope of Eminent Domain
The End Justifies the Means First off, I want to make clear that this is not a “hit piece” or somehow “anti-Trump” in any way. I have not chosen a candidate to support yet and therefore am free to criticize any and all to whatever degree necessary. My goal is to bring forward facts to a candid world for you to make your own determination. In previous articles I have pointed out some concerns with Donald Trump. But in this article I hope to explain a very important issue that I’m afraid many either don’t know about or if they do know, mistakenly believe that it is too far over their head to understand. This issue is known as eminent domain. Eminent domain is technically defined as: “The right of a government or its agent to expropriate [or take away] private property for public use, with payment of compensation.” This “doctrine” of eminent domain comes from the final part of the Fifth Amendment which reads, “....nor shall private property be taken for public use, witho...