What I Learned From a 7 Day Media Fast - 3 Life-Changing Lessons
There was no post from Paineful Truth last week. Sorry about that. I was teaching myself a lesson - the world keeps spinning whether we debate national politics or not. I unplugged from the news cycle for all of last week. I heard about the big things like the shootings from friends. But I didn’t read the newspaper, listen to political talk shows, or watch the news. It was extremely difficult at first. However, after a couple days I began to wonder where I had found the time to keep such close tabs on the news. I was expecting to come out of those 7 days with profound insights that could change the world. However, during those 7 days, I don’t feel like I learned a whole lot of anything. It wasn’t until getting back into the news, happenings, and current events that I starting seeing things in a new light. I want to share 3 key lessons that I learned. Then I want to ask you a question. Lesson 1: Do Things That Matter I’ve spent countless hours listening to political podcasts. I...