
Showing posts from December, 2016

Lame Ducks and Sour Grapes

In 1800, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were not on good terms . The election that year was a bitter one that caused much divide and vehement disagreement within the infant United States. After Adams lost to Jefferson, Adams was a “lame duck” president. However, Adams, not being the idle sort, decided that while he was waiting to not be president, he might as well find something to do. This resulted in what is known as the “ Midnight Judge Appointments ”. Adams installed a bunch of Federalist judges as a final attempt to continue his policies. Jefferson, being a Democratic-Republican, took this as a slap in the face. Despite his entire party being trounced in the election of 1800, Adams’ last move was designed to insure his policies endured. Sound familiar? This is a common final spasm for lame duck leaders. However, over the last couple weeks, President Obama has given us a demonstration of the lamest of all lame ducks. No offense to the ducks. Obama’s Lame Duck Spasms ...

Christmas 2016: Truth vs. Fear

Even though they will not admit it, the liberals, the left, the progressives, have lost this battle. The election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, the nationwide dismissal of liberal politicians and leftist policies in the 2016 election made something very clear - the left’s message of fear was rejected in a spectacular fashion. And while we remain cautiously optimistic, we know that the war is far from over. The left has gone into overdrive with their scare tactics, fake news, and wildly irresponsible rhetoric. Since their positions, policies, and persons were rejected, the only card they have left to play is the “Fear Card”. For instance: Scare Tactics How many stories have you seen of college students nearly losing their minds over Trump’s election? They are so scared out of their wits they cannot even function and must get to their “safe spaces” to see a counselor or psychologist for help. Stop and ask yourself, why are they so scared? Perhaps it has something to do...

Blaming a Lack of Responsibility

This quote is displayed prominently where I work. It is a daily reminder that the work we do to preserve freedom is not a hobby, but rather a duty. It is also a daily reminder that tossing blame on others is a cowards way out. Assigning responsibility, on the other hand, is necessary. Taking responsibility is vital. Real Fake News This week in the news, a man used a firearm to threaten the employees of a pizza parlor that was rumored to be part of a Democrat/Hillary Clinton sponsored child sex trafficking ring. Although it seems insane, like a story you would find on the Onion , this actually happened. And the man’s motivation was based on a fake news story. Now, first of all, most Americans are appalled at this kind of behavior. It’s one thing to read a fake news story, believe it, and share it. But it’s a completely different thing to actually take action involving threatening employees of a pizza parlor with a gun. Completely different, right? They are completely differ...

Freedom: Denied

I recently received a very interesting set of questions/observations from a reader. Basically, the question was - Why do we have to be either liberal or conservative? Why is being a bit of both a problem? The reader was referring, I believe, to a recent article where I made some observations on President Elect Trump’s bent toward the left despite him holding some conservative positions (e.g. life, 2nd Amendment). The point of the article was to make clear that it is possible (though hardly productive) to be a Republican and even hold certain conservative positions without truly holding to conservative principles.    The question is, why does it matter? So Trump is a bit liberal on this and that. Does it really matter? As long as he has the big stuff right, can’t we live and let live? Live and Let Freedom Die And therein lies the problem. At the very core of liberalism is a belief that freedom is toxic and cannot be tolerated. Of course, a liberal would never c...