
Showing posts from June, 2016

Sitting Down on the Job

Milk and Battery Acid A couple weeks ago, while pondering the unique set of circumstances we find ourselves in as Americans in 2016, I nearly managed to convince myself that maybe things weren’t as bad as I thought. While many countries around the globe rot under tyranny or anarchy (or socialism ), at least America is still able to choose her leaders while we slowly rot, right? Needless to say, this thought did little to brighten my mood and I was suddenly not nearly convinced at all. Why? Because we are actively choosing the leaders who are destroying us . It’s like going to the grocery store every two or four years and having the choice between vitamin D enriched, whole milk and battery acid. And choosing battery acid every time. I keep saying America is a Constitutional Republic. And we are . Or at least we were founded to be. However, over a century of ignoring our founding principles and the Constitution has led to where we are nearly unrecognizable as a Const...

The Minority Report: Dangerous Freedom

Minority Report If you could stop a crime before it happened, would you? This is the premise of the Tom Cruise thriller Minority Report . And if we can judge from a Hollywood representation, it’s really not a good idea. Putting someone in jail, or suspending their rights, for a crime that they had not yet committed, but that you were 99% sure they were probably going to commit sometime in the future, is a dangerous road to go down.* Welcome to America, 2016. Illiteracy Today, I want to address a major problem in America - illiteracy. But not just any illiteracy, I want to address selective illiteracy. Allow me to explain. I know politicians like Senator Chris Murphy can read, however it sure doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to the Constitution. That’s why I call it selective illiteracy. They may be able to read the words on the paper, however they have no understanding of what those words mean. Those calling for more gun control in the wake of Orlando are C...

After the Battle - The Aftermath of 2016

The Blame Game After this is all over, what will we do? This has been the most controversial and heated election seasons of our time, and it’s not even really gotten going yet. The protests (better defined as riots) taking place at Trump rallies, the busted, bloody lips over politics, the vitriolic hate, name-calling, and straight-up nastiness being blasted back and forth on social media, all of this shows no signs of stopping. The finger of blame assignment is being wielded without discretion even prior to any results. Right now, I see many people angling and analyzing, deciding who will be the recipient of the blame. Are people truly standing on what they believe , or are they positioning themselves to end up on the winning side, the side that won’t get the blame? #NeverTrumpillary For instance, the #NeverTrump people will get blamed and hated if Clinton wins. The #NeverHillary people will get blamed if Trump wins. The Trumpsters will get a ton of blame if Trump gets ...