Sitting Down on the Job
Milk and Battery Acid A couple weeks ago, while pondering the unique set of circumstances we find ourselves in as Americans in 2016, I nearly managed to convince myself that maybe things weren’t as bad as I thought. While many countries around the globe rot under tyranny or anarchy (or socialism ), at least America is still able to choose her leaders while we slowly rot, right? Needless to say, this thought did little to brighten my mood and I was suddenly not nearly convinced at all. Why? Because we are actively choosing the leaders who are destroying us . It’s like going to the grocery store every two or four years and having the choice between vitamin D enriched, whole milk and battery acid. And choosing battery acid every time. I keep saying America is a Constitutional Republic. And we are . Or at least we were founded to be. However, over a century of ignoring our founding principles and the Constitution has led to where we are nearly unrecognizable as a Const...